Pride and Prejudice by: Jane Austen, is a classic about a man and a woman falling in love even though their differences in class and positions in life clash. Within the love story Jane Austen sprinkles bits of insight into the social political part of the England society in which she lived. The way she comments on them is through humor and the struggles her characters are going through, outside of Elizabeth and Darcy's story. The big question is, even though Darcy has more money with connections and does not like Elizabeth's family, can he still bring himself to set them aside and marry her? Will she accept his proposal? This story will keep you guessing on that until the very end.
My thoughts:
I was first introduced this story when I was nine and my aunt and I were in a bookstore and she offered to buy me a few books. I saw the book with the Twilight display and the cover drew me in. On the cover read, "The love story that started it all" and I was hooked. I got the book home and tried to read the first chapter and I fell asleep. The lingo of the late eighteenth century was not my cup of tea back in the day. When I finally read it for the first time I was 12 or 13 and I understood some bits and pieces, but I didn't feel like I grasped the whole of the story to really appreciate it. Then I found the 2005 movie with Kiera Knightly in it and that's when I finally felt like I got it, and I fell in love with it. Last week I picked the book up again and I re-read it and devoured it. I understood the jokes she put within the story, I understood the political parts in it, and most importantly the lingo didn't go over my head. I finished it and I couldn't stop thinking about how above the odds, Mr. Darcy fell in love with someone beneath him in class. Even when he butchered the first proposal scene and Elizabeth corrected him and almost dared him to do better and become a better person he was angry, but he still loved and wanted her. When Elizabeth's family was in trouble of being disgraced what did Mr. Darcy do? He went and helped the situation, and saved Elizabeth and her whole family. Then he goes and proposes AGAIN, putting his heart out on the line again, and this time was rewarded. The Darcy and Elizabeth scenes were my favorite part in novel, as well as how crazy and funny the mother is, how the father still loves his family, but makes fun of them in a light-hearted way, especially his wife and how shameless the younger sisters are. Each character is well rounded and has a special part in the story no matter how short lived their character is in the overall story. I loved reading this story, and I loved understanding the words that were said, and I think this is a book everyone could get something from as well as entertainment. This book gave me all the fuzzy heart felt feels , and made me laugh out loud many times. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book of all time.
Have you read this story? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and let's talk about this beautiful story.