Golden State by:Ben H. Winters, is about an alternate reality to our time set in California where the truth is all that matters and lying can land you in a world of trouble. That is until the truth of a death that happens in the community is covered up by the government.
an officer of the State for nineteen years with his new partner, a rookie officer, starts questioning everything they thought was true.
If you think this sounds like a fun read, then stop now and go pick it up, then come back and read the spoilery review.
My Thoughts:
This one was a little slower with more twists and turns than I had anticipated. Although looking at the cover, I suppose that was a hint. The Premise is a society free of lies. Lies can be detected by a group of people with a lie detecting gift who make up the extended branch of the law enforcement, called the Speculative Service. If people in the society are caught in a lie around them, then they are arrested and put in jail. I thought that was interesting and would be very scary if that was used in reality, since everyone at some point lie about something.
What I got from this thought provoking novel is we, as a society, should never trust the government or the media to give us the whole truth, or give them the power of censorship over us. Always question everything, especially when it's from an authority figure, dig dig dig until you've found all the facts to make up your mind on what the truth really is.
Throughout the novel, since it's in Laszlo's perspective the reader doesn't know what's true or not and it is very confusing, which it what the author was going for, I'm sure, in order to prove his point about the truth not being black or white all of the time.
I liked this book and I think with another read through at some point the concepts would make more sense. I think with more setting development, relationship development between Laszlo and his ex-wife I could've felt more sorry for him, but without context on why he was a bad husband the empathy for him was lacking. I also thought his partner's death scene was a little forced and wasn't needed in plot of the story. The surprised ending was fun though, and I like that his brother was alive all along and he explained what happened leading up to the creation of the Golden State.
This book did remind me of 1984, Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451, but it wasn't as good as those classic dystopian books. It is thought provoking and entertaining, but it isn't one I will be picking back up anytime soon.
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Until next time happy reading. :)